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G-MS-02 | Lathe


MakerSpace Garching

Lichtenbergstr. 6

85748 Garching bei München

Book on nexudus
Nexudus is our online-booking platform. All member fees but also booking for free services and machines will be managed on this software. In order to take part in our courses or book our machines, please register for a free account.

Location: Garching
Max. reservation time: 6h, only one slot per day
Cannot be booked with other machines at the same time (Exception:3D printers)
Price: 4 Credits/h
Minimum age: 16 years old

Course requirement:
MS-001 | Metall-Drehmaschine für Einsteiger [B] or MS-001E | Metal Lathe for Beginners [ENGLISH] [B]

Lathe is a machine tool that rotates a workpiece about an axis of rotation to perform various operations such as cutting, sanding, knurling, drilling, deformation, facing, and turning, with tools that are applied to the workpiece to create an object with symmetry about that axis..