Makerspace Placeholder

G-EL-004E | PCB design with Autodesk EAGLE (English) (B)

Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are carriers for electronic components, are used for mechanical mounting and electrical connection and are integrated in almost every electronic device. In this course you will learn how to use the PCB design software Autodesk EAGLE. Starting with the schematic and ending with the layout of the actual PCB, you will design a two-layer PCB!


12. April 2025 / 10:00 Uhr - 13:00 Uhr


MakerSpace Garching

Lichtenbergstr. 6

85748 Garching bei München

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Design your own PCB!

In this course you will learn how to use the PCB design software Autodesk EAGLE. The features and how to work with the board editor as well as the creation of circuit schematics will be explained to you. You will also learn how to produce your own components and component libraries and how to export Gerber data for PCB production. The complete software workflow from the creation of the circuit schematic to the layout of the actual PCB is covered in the course.


Basic knowledge of electronic components is a prerequisite for this course!



3 hours


Minimum age

  • 12 years
  • Children between 12 and 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent.
  • For adolescents between 16 and 18 years of age the consent of a parent is required.



English language skills


Safety Requirements

In the workshop closed shoes must be worn at all times. In case of non-compliance the access to MakerSpace is denied.


Notes on Booking

  • Changes and mistakes are not excluded.
  • MakerSpace reserves the right to cancel the course if there is an insufficient number of participants
  • Please check your contsct details so that you can be contacted in case of any changes.