Oceanflight unlocks sustainable Boating

Sustainability and autonomous driving! For years now, there has hardly been a more dominant topic in the automotive industry. And what about the boat industry? Large combustion engines continue to be installed here because there is simply no sensible alternative.
Or is there?
Oceanflight is working on increasing the efficiency of boats of all kinds by up to 80% using hydrofoil technology.

How does it work?

Hydrofoils are wings that are mounted under the boat’s hull. When sailing, they generate lift and the boat lifts completely out of the water.
The fact that flying over the water is significantly more comfortable than conventional boating is just one of the many side effects. However, a hydrofoil boat requires complex and reliable flight control. And this is exactly where Oceanflight comes into play. With their many years of experience in the aviation and drone sector, they make hydrofoil boats safe and stable.
This technology unlocks the opportunity of boating without wasting the most precious resource of the next decades by pushing water aside.


What does the team need for their next step?

„First and foremost, we are desperately looking for new team members in the field of electrical engineering and software development. This can be anything from a thesis to a full-time position. The main thing is that people are motivated and enjoy the subject. Years of professional experience are not a prerequisite, as we are a very experienced team and can support and train career starters with our know-how.“

Do you find the topic just right for you (Hiring Page), or do you see another way to support them? Get in touch with the team here: durchstarten@ocean-flight.com

Finally, we asked the team what motivated them to use the MakerSpace?

„In the start-up world, fast iterations are particularly important. True to the motto „Fail fast, itterate fast„, if you have a hardware-heavy topic, long delivery times for CNC milling cutters, for example, are a knockout criterion. And this is exactly where the Makerspace with its extensive machine park offers a decisive advantage. This enables us to go from an idea to a solid prototype in just a few days.“


You are a student and want to advance your project?

Apply for our scholarship here.

Carbon Atlantis – Store CO2 and use it in a targeted way

„We solve the climate crisis at the root“!
A topic that concerns us all and for which many products and processes have been created in recent years. Our current start-up Carbon Atlantis has also taken up this challenge.
Carbon Atlantis was founded in 2022 by Paul Teufel, Malte Feucht and Steffen Garbe. After only a short time, they patented their technology, expanded the team and achieved their first funding.

But what does their process look like?

Their patented technology circulates liquid sorbent through the system, efficiently capturing CO₂. The captured CO₂ is either permanently stored or used in carbon neutral or negative products. This makes it cost-effective, modular and scalable.

What does the team need for their next step?

Above all, we need talented and hungry people who share our vision of developing an innovative and massively scalable technology here from Munich for the whole world to use in a wide variety of carbon capture applications, from steel to cement plants to waste incineration to direct air capture (DAC). We really appreciate it when people have hands-on experience and enjoy working on hardware. We offer a very diverse work environment where you can learn a lot in a short period of time.

Do you find the topic just right for you (Hiring Page), or do you see another way to support them? Get in touch with the team here: people@carbonatlantis.com


Lastly, we asked the team what they would recommend to students looking to build a prototype in the MakerSpace?

„Think carefully in advance about what materials you want to use and how they will be should be processed. With this knowledge, you can often get a good estimate of what machines you will need and can take the appropriate courses early on.“


You are a student and want to advance your project?

Apply for our scholarship here.